Saraswati Gramich

Flying book

Oil on canvas, acrylic on canvas, wood, metal, cable, concrete, wheel, paint



A flying book, a cupcake and antidotes.

As I spend at least nine hours a day writing algorithmic codes, the flying book told me to read and apply its written words. They are not codes, but real texts that also look algorithmic. The book people introduced it to me. The overflow is also due to the narrowing of the spaces. Or maybe the content is just too big. At the moment, the spring woke the cherry trees from sleep to blossom outside. Their delicate pink petals swirling in the space between earth and sky following the music of the wind. I painted a spring of cherry blossoms fade behind a knotted white sheet. Its breath found my deepest secret: life and death is just the same thing. It is just a matter of what ingredients I put inside my lifetime, like cooking. I could, for example, make a cupcake out of the intertwining swirls. A place where all the 'I' become 'we' and it will shift slowly and discreetly toward a mutual bakery. The silence of the wind embracing cherry blossoms is like an antidote to keep my sister safe, even temporarily, in the emergency room where she works. She will be, to save others. The light of hortensia floats at dawn. It says: I am your mother...

The works seen here are:
Flying book
Antidote 1
Antidote 2



17 March 2020 was the first day of the lockdown. I am one of the lucky people in Paris able to keep my job during and after the lockdown as I am working as a computer developer. With others who work in the digital domain, we have contributed to build an abbreviated and faster world. When knowledge becomes something similar as collective folies and games.

Manual ways of working like painting, drawing or sculpting, instead of coding, becomes a transgressive act. Alumnus of LASALLE College of the Arts Singapore and RMIT, I exhibit my artworks regularly, in an artist-run space, galleries or museums, mostly in France.