Andreas Schlegel
machine dreams
Video / 4:31 mins
Code is best written when in the flow, in a state of mind comparable to that of solitude and pure focus. Writing code is often associated with logic, rationality and efficiency – Machine Dreams eludes this approach. It is a generative system that creates a constantly changing sequence of images. Random numbers represent the sensory experience captured in this imaginary world, and computational processes translate into fleeting moments of abstract patterns.
Soundtrack by Chong Ming En, Deon Chan Chee Kian, Soh Kheng Jin Eugene
Andreas Schlegel works across disciplines and creates objects, tools and interfaces where art and technology meet in a curious way. Many of his works are collaborative and have been presented on screen, in code, as installation, performance or workshop. His practice focuses on emerging and open source technologies, where outcomes are inspired and informed by computation, interaction and networked processes. Andreas is a senior lecturer at LASALLE's School of Design Communication.